Re: flowing around both sides of a float

Brad Kemper wrote:

 >> HTML & CSS allow you to /influence/ the
 >> design, but if you want to /control/ it
 >> you would do better to adopt a page-
 >> description language such as PDF.
 > Why is it that every time I suggest that Cascading STYLE Sheets be used
 > to style the page in a predictable way, some one feels a need to express
 > this "love it or leave it" attitude? If you don't think that CSS should
 > be able to set the visual style of the page, then maybe you would do
 > better to stick to a language that does not describe the rendering of
 > the page with any precision, such as HTML without CSS.

How can CSS "style the page in a predictable way"
when the effects of the cascade are unpredictable
to the page author ?


Received on Thursday, 3 January 2008 09:40:05 UTC