Re: [CSSWG] [CSS2.1] [css3-namespace] Case-sensitivity in CSS

fantasai wrote:
> The CSS Working Group proposes to adopt the following changes
> which would
>   a) define case-insensitivity of CSS-defined identifiers as ASCII
>      case-insensitivity: i.e. a-z and A-Z match, but no other
>      characters outside that range will ever map into that range.
>   b) define counter names as case-sensitive in CSS2.1, which would
>      also set case-sensitivity as the precedent for user-defined
>      identifiers introduced in future specs

In line with this resolution, Anne and I have updated the CSS Namespaces draft
to define namespace prefixes as case-*sensitive*.

As noted in
this means Firefox and Opera's current implementations will be non-conformant.
Please let us know if this will be a problem.


Received on Wednesday, 6 February 2008 22:29:52 UTC