[css3-mediaqueries] parsing

To match existing implementations better and also to give better forward  
compatible parsing rules maybe we should do it as follows:

* A violation of the basic syntax will cause the list of media queries to  
be ignored.
* An unknown media type, media feature, or unknown media feature value  
will cause the respective media query to be ignored, but not the whole  
list of media queries.
* The serialized form of an ignored media query or ignored list of media  
queries is "not all". (This will be specified in the CSSOM for now, maybe  
later in Media Queries Level 4.)
* These rules apply to usage in CSS and outside (such as HTML media="").

This would mean that

query           | dropped | serialized form
x x,all         | yes     | not all
not x,all       | no      | not all, all
all and x,all   | yes     | not all
all and (x),all | no      | not all, all

My plan is to update the media queries editor's draft to reflect this. If  
you have any comments please let me know.

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Friday, 4 April 2008 16:03:08 UTC