Re: attributes as virtual tags

As attributes are considered child nodes of an element, this kinda makes 

This also makes some sense in a rdf framework where

<rdf:Description rdf:about="">
      <ex:homePage rdf:resource=""/>
      <ex:fullName>Dave Beckett</ex:fullName>
  <dc:title>RDF/XML Syntax Specification (Revised)</dc:title>

is the same as

<rdf:Description rdf:about=""
                 dc:title="RDF/XML Syntax Specification (Revised)">
    <rdf:Description ex:fullName="Dave Beckett">
      <ex:homePage rdf:resource=""/>


Rikkert Koppes (mophor)

Dmitry Turin wrote:
> Good day.
> Today HTML-element is so, that applied information is between openning and closing tags.
> All attributes of openning tags are service attributes.
> At the same time, data are saved in database as records,
> which is extracted as tags, several attributes of which contains applied information.
> But even visualization of attributes by pseudo-element '::before' or '::after'
> don't allow to specify _style for attributes_.
> I offer to specify attributes in css-file with sign "§" before their names,
> that withdraw attribute from tag and transform it into enclosed tag.
> Let's name these tags as virtual tags.
> Thus the following construction
> <style>
>   §name    {color: red  }
>   §surname {color: gray }
> </style>
> <body>
>   <record name="a" surname="b">
>   <record name="c" surname="d">
> </body>
> will means the same, as
> <style>
>   name     {color: red  }
>   surname  {color: gray }
> </style>
> <body>
>   <record>
>     <name>   a</name>
>     <surname>b</surname>
>   </record>
>   <record>
>     <name>   c</name>
>     <surname>d</surname>
>   </record>
> </body>
>   So we see, that michanism of property "content" is _essentially narrower_,
> than michanism of virtual tags.
>   I don't want to reduce importance of property "content":
> it is necessary to change already existing content of html-element,
> or to specify content of pseudo-element.
> But when you try to reduce all cases to property "content", property acts as limiter,
> and thus data are subdivided into two groups depending on their forms:
> if data is between an open and close tags, it is data _of full value_ (it may has style);
> if data is in an attribute, it is _inferior_.
> P.S.
> Other example: next construction
> <style>
>   tab         { display: table      }
>   a           { display: table-row  }
>   §a1,§a2,§a3 { display: table-cell }
> </style>
> <body>
>   <tab>
>     <a a1="v11" a2="v12" a3="v13">
>     <a a1="v21" a2="v22" a3="v23">
>     <a a1="v31" a2="v32" a3="v33">
>   </tab>
> </body>
> will be understanded as
> <style>
>   tab        { display: table      }
>   a          { display: table-row  }
>   a1,a2,a3   { display: table-cell }
> </style>
> <body>
>   <tab>
>     <a>
>       <a1>v11</a1>
>       <a2>v12</a1>
>       <a3>v13</a1>
>     </a>
>     <a>
>       <a1>v21</a1>
>       <a2>v22</a1>
>       <a3>v23</a1>
>     </a>
>     <a>
>       <a1>v31</a1>
>       <a2>v32</a1>
>       <a3>v33</a1>
>     </a>
>   </tab>
> </body>
> Dmitry Turin
> HTML6     (6.1.0)
> SQL4      (4.0.5)
> Computer2 (2.0.2)

Received on Thursday, 21 June 2007 07:57:07 UTC