attributes as virtual tags

Good day.

Today HTML-element is so, that applied information is between openning and closing tags.
All attributes of openning tags are service attributes.
At the same time, data are saved in database as records,
which is extracted as tags, several attributes of which contains applied information.

But even visualization of attributes by pseudo-element '::before' or '::after'
don't allow to specify _style for attributes_.

I offer to specify attributes in css-file with sign "§" before their names,
that withdraw attribute from tag and transform it into enclosed tag.
Let's name these tags as virtual tags.

Thus the following construction

  §name    {color: red  }
  §surname {color: gray }
  <record name="a" surname="b">
  <record name="c" surname="d">

will means the same, as

  name     {color: red  }
  surname  {color: gray }
    <name>   a</name>
    <name>   c</name>

  So we see, that michanism of property "content" is _essentially narrower_,
than michanism of virtual tags.
  I don't want to reduce importance of property "content":
it is necessary to change already existing content of html-element,
or to specify content of pseudo-element.
But when you try to reduce all cases to property "content", property acts as limiter,
and thus data are subdivided into two groups depending on their forms:
if data is between an open and close tags, it is data _of full value_ (it may has style);
if data is in an attribute, it is _inferior_.

Other example: next construction

  tab         { display: table      }
  a           { display: table-row  }
  §a1,§a2,§a3 { display: table-cell }
    <a a1="v11" a2="v12" a3="v13">
    <a a1="v21" a2="v22" a3="v23">
    <a a1="v31" a2="v32" a3="v33">

will be understanded as

  tab        { display: table      }
  a          { display: table-row  }
  a1,a2,a3   { display: table-cell }

Dmitry Turin
HTML6     (6.1.0)
SQL4      (4.0.5)
Computer2 (2.0.2)

Received on Thursday, 21 June 2007 05:21:34 UTC