Re: CSS 3 color module and deprecation of "system" colors

On Monday, September 5, 2005, 6:32:10 PM, Orion wrote:

OA> On 9/5/05, Chris Lilley <> wrote:
>> On Saturday, September 3, 2005, 4:42:53 PM, Patrick wrote:
>> PHL> Apologies for cross posting, but: could anybody shed some light as to
>> PHL> why system colors have been deprecated in the CSS 3 color module?
>> PHL>
>> PHL> In my recent testing on Windows browsers, I found them to be fairly well
>> PHL> supported
>> Yes (like the X11 colors which are also well supported in HTML browsers,
>> now termed the 'SVG colors' in CSS3 color module) they are well
>> supported in practice.
>> PHL>  and would posit that they can have quite a valuable role to
>> PHL> play in creating accessible style sheets that match the user's set
>> PHL> colour scheme / preferences (e.g. if a user has set their Windows
>> PHL> environment to High Contrast, a web page can be styled to follow that
>> PHL> preference).
>> Yes, correct. Its not just on Windows, either.
>> Thinking about tests in a test suite, what would the pass criteria be?

OA> That's not a problem with the concept of system colors, nor should it
OA> be. Not all things can be tested against a static image, especially
OA> things based on the operating system or UA preferences.

I didn't mention static images (but you are right that they cannot be
used here, at least not without additional description). Which is why I
asked, what should the pass criteria be?

OA> How would one test the values sans-serif or serif for font? The answer
OA> is while you can provide examples a single image will not work.

Again, I don't recall mentioning a single image. The pass criteria need
to cover the case where there is only a single font on the system, for
example. One example of something that would not pass would be if the
sans-serif part used serif fonts AND the serif part used sans-serif ones
(thus showing that both were available). Another failure case would be
where latin text used serif or sans-serif, butnon-latin used the wrong
ones (eg Japanese using Mincho and Gothic).

The definition of 'bold' is well written in terms of testability.

 Chris Lilley          
 Chair, W3C SVG Working Group
 W3C Graphics Activity Lead
 Co-Chair, W3C Hypertext CG

Received on Monday, 5 September 2005 19:05:59 UTC