Re: Five new proposals about CSS

Patrick H. Lauke wrote:
> What if the author of the poem decided to put certain words in red, for 
> instance? What then? Or how about futurist poems where the layout, 
> colour, line work, etc are all part of the author's intention? With the 
> poetry argument we may as well abandon the whole "separation of content 
> and presentation" entirely then...

Well.  At some point I'd draw the line and include a graphic of the poem.  ;) 
In PDF or SVG or something else reasonably accessible if that's needed.  Because 
that's running into the "the presentation is the content" end of the spectrum.

But italics come up in other cases too (eg consider a tutorial on typographic 

Whethere there are enough use cases to justify keeping them is debatable, of 
course (hence this debate).


Received on Sunday, 16 October 2005 16:02:22 UTC