Re: Box model: min-margin and max-margin, max-padding and min-padding

Andrew Fedoniouk wrote:

>About dispaly: table-*. Being applied will dramaticly modify underlying DOM.
>Too artificial and complex in interpretation and in implementation.
>Plus it seems nobody really needs them.
>My guess: will not be implemented.

Nobody needs them?

In my experience, this is the second most requested feature that CSS 
developers wish IE would support.  (Support of CSS2 selectors, 
especially > and +, is the most requested.)  Consistent 
implementation of display: table* would make easy the one thing that 
is otherwise very difficult in CSS: vertical centering of a block of 
contents of an unknown height.  Most developers who need this feature 
currently just throw in an actual table and grit their teeth about 
screwing up the document structure.

Personally, I'll celebrate at least a little bit when MS finally sees 
the light on this one.


-Adam Kuehn

Received on Sunday, 3 October 2004 16:19:31 UTC