Re: [proposal] Table cell selectors.

| What happens with
|   E[@column=1 @row=1] {
|     display: block;
|   }

Boris, seems I do not understand your question well....
First child of first row of table (inline-table) element will become block 
instead of table-cell.

This is just a short form of
table tr[@index=1] td[@index=1]

or following CSS 3 proposal you've mentioned (btw,thanks!)

I am not sure though, is this a direct equivalent of my
table tr[@index=1] td[@index=1]  ?

| More generally, please see

I think that problems mentioned by Ian here is slightly outdated.
We already have Panteon full of different selectors. E.g. td[foo*=bar] is 
already not simple computationaly.

| > These selectors are already implemented in v.3. of our HTMLayout
| With vendor prefixes, I assume?

No as @ is such vendor prefix in this case.
BTW: We are using %% units heavily these days. Do you have any idea what is
vendor prefixes should we use for them?

Andrew Fedoniouk.

Original Message from: "Boris Zbarsky"
| Andrew Fedoniouk wrote:
| > E[@column=number @row=number]
| >
| > Matches any table cell located at column number and row number.
| What happens with
|   E[@column=1 @row=1] {
|     display: block;
|   }
| ?
| More generally, please see
| > I think that index selector for any other elements would be also useful.
| > E[@index=number]
| > Where number is a decimal number or "odd" or "even" or "last" values.
| > Numbers of element indexes also start from 1.
| Please see CSS3 Selectors [1].  It already has such selectors; if you can
| implement them that would be a step toward that specification becomming a
| Recommendation.
| > These selectors are olready implemented in v.3. of our HTMLayout
| With vendor prefixes, I assume?
| -Boris
| [1]
|     etc, etc.

Received on Sunday, 14 November 2004 09:24:39 UTC