Re: [proposal] Table cell selectors.

Andrew Fedoniouk wrote:
> To intoduce:
> Table cell selector:
> E[@column=number @row=number]
> Matches any table cell located at column number and row number. Where number 
> is a decimal number or "odd" or "even" or "last" values. Columns and rows 
> numbers start from number 1.

Can't you do this with nth-child? Specifically tr:nth-child(n) > 
td:nth-child(n)? It fails only if you have rowspans or colspans in your 

> I think that index selector for any other elements would be also useful.
> E[@index=number]
> Where number is a decimal number or "odd" or "even" or "last" values. 
> Numbers of element indexes also start from 1.

Again, nth-child(), which actually has even more flexibility. See

Received on Sunday, 14 November 2004 06:46:15 UTC