Re: Colour gradient backgrounds.

* Max Romantschuk wrote:
>CSS based gradients might make things easier in some ways, but would 
>they really promote usability and acessibility? Gradient use in general 
>are seldom showcases of stellar design.

I wouldn't really mind if used something like

  @linear-gradient login-border
    @stop-at   0% rgb(49, 97, 198);
    @stop-at 100% transparent;

  @linear-gradient login-background
    @stop-at   0% rgb(33, 81, 132);
    @stop-at 100% transparent;

    border: 4px solid gradient(login-border, tb);
    border-radius: 16px;
    background-color: gradient(login-background, tb);

instead of using though.

Received on Tuesday, 11 May 2004 02:27:33 UTC