Re: CSS: %% length unit. Proposal. Some clarifications.

Andrew Fedoniouk wrote:
> Perfect! You say: "Don't even try to formilze this stuff. Somebody from
> Mozilla, Microsoft, Opera, Apple, RedHat will do it for you. They have egg
> heads for that".
> If this is the way how to write specifications then let it be so.

The specification isn't perfect. None the less the specification defines 
how things are supposed to work pretty darn well.

Your proposal wasn't all bad, but the way you presented it wasn't very 
constructive. Many people asked you to formalize your suggestion into 
clearer rules, but you failed to do so. Given that you have written an 
HTML renderer there must be some rules, otherwise you couldn't possibly 
have gotten your code to work.

Ian Hickson wrote:
 > Could you please define, in terms given in the CSS specification, the
 > exact algorithm you are proposing to determine the "free space" for any
 > given dimension of an element in a layout?
 > In particular, how do nested floats, positioned elements in sibling
 > containing blocks, overflow content from cells in non-sibling tables, and
 > so forth, affect the "free space"?

Questions like the ones above need answers, proper ones. You failed to 
answer the questions. The way things are done on this list may not be 
the most cozy way of all, nor a very fast way. But the way things are 
done keep things flowing, and avoids potential flame wars.

I guess I'm trying to say that if you play by the rules we will play as 
well. Getting all wound up is not the way to get yourself heard.

Max Romantschuk

Received on Monday, 10 May 2004 02:32:25 UTC