Re: Proposal: version at-rule

> #myDiv {
>   width: 100px;
>   padding: 20px;
>   if( calculated-width != 100px )
>     width: 80px;
> }
> a browser with no support for the if statement skips it and just does
> sets the second width.

No, a browser with no support for the if statement skips it and everything up
to the next ';' or '}' char (balancing parens and quotes, etc), if I read the
CSS parsing rules correctly.  So it would completely ignore the whole if body.

On the other hand, what does "calculated-width" mean?  What if the user
stylesheet has "padding: 0 !important"?

"This isn't right.  This isn't even wrong."

                -- Wolfgang Pauli on a paper submitted 
                   by a physicist colleague

Received on Sunday, 28 March 2004 21:21:36 UTC