Re: Proposal: version at-rule

Chris Moschini wrote:
> #myDiv {
> 	width: 100px;
> 	padding: 20px;
> 	if( calculated-width != 100px )
> 		width: 80px;
> }
> And this example has obvious problems - for example, Mozilla and Opera would read
> this CSS and probably reset the width despite having done things correctly.

Unlikely. As you don't have any semi-colon before the "width: 80px;" and 
after the "padding: 20px;", a browser like those would probably read:

if( calculated-width != 100px ) width: 80px;

Seeing that if( is not a supported property, it will most likely ignore 
everything until the semi-colon.

The same happens with both properties in the following fictional line:

background- color: #000;

as "background-" returns an error, the color: property should not be set.

At least it shouldn't. If it does in Mozilla, please file a bug at 
Mothra [1].



Received on Wednesday, 31 March 2004 09:11:25 UTC