RE: CSS 4?


> >> Which do you think is easier to author?
> >
> > Never used XSL, but people around said XSL is awful
> Try it yourself to appreciate it and form your own opinion.

Well, it is *useful*, even though some people are not able to grasp the
concept (many can grasp it...). For HTML, I tend to think of XSL as
something that creates that creates the 'bones' of a page and CSS applies
the 'skin.' 

With CSS, how would you take this XML element:

<link idref="a1234"/>

And style it into:

<a style="internalLink" href="../folder/page.html">page</a>

Or this element:

<submit servlet="login"/>


<form id="loginForm" action="login" method="post">

Or, using CSS, turn the things above (or anything) into a PDF?

I see that you (Tantek) are not necessarily dissing XSL, but I wanted to
point out that XSL is not useless.


Received on Thursday, 23 October 2003 11:10:36 UTC