CSS2.1 :lang

Section 5.11.4 on :lang still references RFC 1766.

Although HTML technically refers to 1766, XML has been upgraded to RFC 3066 for
its support of 3 letter tags and also prescribes the empty tag to allow the
removal of language info. And most browsers I believe do support rfc 3066 for
html anyway.

CSS should therefore address rfc 3066 and the empty tag as well.

Does ':lang()' match elements that have language set to the empty tag?

It might be thought to match all languages, since in the absence of simple
selectors, * is presumed, so it is conceivable that absence of a tag might be
equivalent to all. It might also be deemed to be an error to have no tag inside
the parens.
So the spec should address the issue.

For the purposes of matching, I wonder if it makes sense to reference the RFCs
at all. Isn't it really string matching based on strings formatted with hyphen
separators? Does any software verify that the language tag contains
appropriately registered codes or uses ISO codes? Should it be an error, or
perhaps the rule ignored, if a CSS document specifies  :lang(k9) since k9 is
not an offical language code or a properly formatted private code.

Tex Texin   cell: +1 781 789 1898   mailto:Tex@XenCraft.com
Xen Master                          http://www.i18nGuy.com
XenCraft		            http://www.XenCraft.com
Making e-Business Work Around the World

Received on Thursday, 16 October 2003 03:35:30 UTC