Re: XBL is (mostly) W3C redundant, and CSS is wrong W3C layer for semantic behavior *markup*

Also note that I think I am the _first_ person to ever provide this
succinct definition of "presentation".  I would like nominate this
definition to normative status, as I think it will help very much clarify
the standards process:

1. Implementation specifications which conform to markup specifications are
conforming and are thus presentation.  Most of CSS is.  Any portions of
implementation specifications will which allow non-conformance to markup
specifications are "non-conforming semantic layer".[1]


Can every one agree this is one useful way of defining "presentation"??

-Shelby Moore 

Search engine key words: presentation, define, standard, normative, W3C

Received on Sunday, 5 January 2003 13:49:02 UTC