- From: Jörg Hartmann <jhartmann@aquilacoop.de>
- Date: Sat, 2 Aug 2003 21:39:17 +0200
- To: "'Håkon Wium Lie'" <howcome@opera.com>
- Cc: <www-style@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <007f01c3592d$c5882460$b97ba8c0@PAQUNB01>
Brief summary of the problem encountered: Opera switching from one font-size-bug to another ... _____ How severe is the problem? Significant _____ In what part of Opera does it occur? Display _____ What URL triggers this bug, if any? Build your own CSS-absolute-font-sizes-page; or search Google for common absolute-CSS-font-size using sites ... _____ Describe the bug in detail Within Opera 7.11 you changed from emulating the IE5.x-behaviour for CSS-using pages with absolute font-size-property-values to the Mozilla-behaviour. Right? Yes, it was a bug within IE's CSS-implementation not to set "medium" (but "small") as "initial" value of the font-size-property. But no, it was not a bug to make {font-size: small;} equivalent of font size="3" and {{font-size: medium;} equivalent of font size="4". It is rather a bug both within Mozilla (and latest IE/Opera) and within Todd Fahrner's CSS2.1-proposal to think that "medium" would be equivalent to "normal" (which it is neither semantically nor logically, it's nothing more than "in the middle") alias font size="3". Both "medium" and "initial" do say nothing about being "normal". It's just out of any logic to give 3 sizes below "normal" alias "the size in which long texts are displayed usually" (where it's simply impossible to create 3 sizes that are both still readable and of visible size-difference) but only 3 sizes above "normal" (which makes it impossible to creaty e.g. well-structured science-publications or math-typogrophy when using absolute font-size property values). So instead of switching from an IE-bug-emulation to a Mozilla-/Todd-Fahrner-bug-emulation you should: 1) behave logically - 1a) make {font-size: medium;} the initial value which both CSS1 and CSS2 ak for, but don't think this would mean medium=normal=font size="3", 1b) instead make (again) medium=4 and small=3 so that you have all font-sizes within the range they belong and are needed for stuctured texts, 2) tell your guy(s) within the w3c-style-working-group (namely Håkon Wium Lie <howcome@opera.com>) that Todd Fahrner's font-size-workaround proposal is 2a) wrong, illogical and counter-productive in the structured-(x)html-practice (there's simply no really visible difference between font-sizes xx-small, x-small, and small; at the same time there is a forth above-normal-size missing for highly-structured documents and math-typography, and the visible difference between medium, large, x-large, and xx-large is _too_ big), 2b) while the proposal is also a big time-(and resources-)waste and simply adds further confusion, since any problems that arose from the difference between IE/Opera's and Mozilla's traditional behaviours/CSS-implementations can be completely solved by just spelling out clearly that small=3 and medium=4 (which leaves medium=initial unaffected and unchanged since "initial" is totally different from "normal" - both in logic and semantics; initial is just the inherited value for an unset/unaltered property). 2c) So please tell Håkon and his friends that CSS 2.1's January-28th-Working-Draft has a rather _bad_ and completely unnecessary workaround within its subsection "15.7 Font size: the 'font-size' property" (http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/fonts.html#font-size-props). Bold remark: This is _not_ personally against Todd Fahrner (or anyone else) who may be a great guy. (I just don't know him.) It's just about reasonability and requirements of visual differenciation within structured documents. _____ Describe the steps needed to reproduce this bug 1. Build four stylesheets, a) one emulating the old IE-/Opera-implementation (IE-bug) of CSS1/CSS2 (small=initial, small=3, medium=4, so that _above_h1=xx-large=7, h1=x-large=6, h2=large=5, h3=medium=4, body=p=h4=small=3, h5=code=...=x-small=2, h6=xx-small=1), b) one emulating the old Netscape-/Mozilla-tradition (medium=initial, small=2, medium=3, so that there's _nothing_ above h1 --and no 7-equivalent--, h1=xx-large=6, h2=x-large=5, h3=large=4, body=p=h4=medium=3, h5=code=...=small=2, h6=x-small=1, _below!_h6=xx-small=_below!_1), c) one emulating Todd Fahrner's proposal (see http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/fonts.html#font-size-props - x-small _between_ h6=1 and h5=2, _nothing_ above h1, _no equivalent of font size="7", _completely different_ percentage-steps within the size-interval leading to visual confusion), d) and one implementing straight logic (medium=initial, small=3, medium=4, which also results in initial=4 so that CSS: body {font-size: small;} would fit well into any longer-text-document's stylesheet, and of course this line should be in this forth test-stylesheet, resulting in the same as the first stylesheet with the only difference that CSS1/CSS2 --initial=medium-- is fulfilled). 2. Create a document with highly (and correctly, means headlines_level1=h1 etc.) structured text-content, e.g. a graduation, incl. math- or chemistry-typography, using clean and only phrase tags (you know: p, h1-h6 and the like), no presentation-only .classes/tags (like "bigger"); at the end create 7 seperate paragraphes using each of the 7 absolute font-size property values specifically. 3. Apply all the four stylesheets to this document, one at a time, and watch the results, especially look for the smaller (h6, xx-small ...) and bigger (h1, xx-large ...) text-parts and for the visual differences between the various structure-levels (and for their visual difference-interval). 4. As a bonus, search for a couple of common web pages/sites using CSS1/CSS2 with absolute font-size property values and look how they render when emulating a) IE's former bug b) Netscape's/Mozilla's bug c) Todd Fahrner's CSS2.1-proposal d) straight and simple logic (see above) which complies both with the CSS1/CSS2 specs and with common users' and common sites' (IE-)"tradition" (read: with reality) ... _____ Enter an e-mail address we can use to communicate with you regarding this bug report support@aquilacoop.de
Received on Saturday, 2 August 2003 15:38:46 UTC