New drafts: css3-ruby, css3-text, css3-box

The CSS working group published three new drafts. Two of them
represent the "last call" for comments for that draft, which means the
working group believes the next step will be "W3C Candidate
Recommendation," unless the comments uncover problems.

As usual, the preferred place for comments is this mailing list.


    CSS3 module: Ruby

    This document proposes a set of CSS properties associated with the
    'Ruby' elements.

    For more information about ruby (annotation) elements, see the
    HTML module "Ruby Annotation" (

    Deadline for comments: 27 Nov 2002


    CSS3 module: text

    This document presents a set of text formatting properties for
    CSS3. Many of these properties already existed in CSS 2. Many of
    the new properties have been added to address basic requirements
    in international text layout, particularly for East Asian and
    bidirectional text.

    Deadline for comments: 27 Nov 2002


    CSS3 module: The box model

    CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) describe the rendering of documents
    on various media. When textual documents (e.g., HTML, WML) are
    laid out on visual media (e.g., screen, paper), CSS represents the
    elements of the document by rectangular boxes that are laid out
    one after the other or nested inside each other in an ordering
    that is called a flow. This module describes the characteristics
    of the flow and of the various kinds of boxes.

    The flow includes "floating" boxes, but tables [CSS3TBL] and
    "absolute" and "fixed" positioning [CSS3POS] are described in
    other modules. Also, the rules for partitioning a flow into pages
    (for paged media) is described elsewhere [CSS3PAGE], as are the
    special boxes for ruby annotations [CSS3RUBY] and the multicolumn
    layouts [CSS3COL].

    The box model builds on the inline text modules ([CSS3TEXT] and
    [CSS3LINE]), that describe how text is laid out on a line,
    including treatment of superscripts, bidirectional ("bidi") and
    vertical text.

    The flow can be horizontal (typical for most languages), but in
    level 3 of CSS, flows can also be vertical (typical for the Uighur
    script and often used for ideographic scripts).

    Deadline for comments: none yet

For more information about the modules of CSS3, see the "roadmap" at

  Bert Bos                                ( W 3 C )                              W3C/INRIA                             2004 Rt des Lucioles / BP 93
  +33 (0)4 92 38 76 92            06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France

Received on Friday, 25 October 2002 04:57:59 UTC