Re: Proposal: inheritance of styles -in the stylesheet itself-

> 	<H1 CLASS="headline text">Here's the headline</H1>
> 	<P CLASS="standout text">Here's a standout paragraph.</P>
> 	<P CLASS="detail text">Here's a detail text paragraph.</P>

There's a problem with backwards compatibility with broken implementations
here.  Authors are unlikely to do this whilst there are GUI browsers
in the field that don't understand multiiple classes.

I'd also suggest that this was a very good example of an appropriate use
of DIV:

      <DIV CLASS="text">
 	<H1 CLASS="headline">Here's the headline</H1>
 	<P CLASS="standout">Here's a standout paragraph.</P>
 	<P CLASS="detail">Here's a detail text paragraph.</P>

And I would argue that this is better structure, even if there weren't
tbe broken browser issue.

Received on Sunday, 13 October 2002 05:37:00 UTC