Re: Visual effects

--- Tim Bannister <> wrote:
> Does visibility make sense in an Aural style sheet (ie, would the
> play-during sounds be audible during a pause equivalent to how long it
> would take to play the element)?
No. The spec says 'applies to: visual'. This is contrast to display: none,
which affects all media.

Incidentally, I find speak: none better than display: none because
display: none suppresses the box including descendants, whereas with
speak: none one can do:

TABLE.navigation {speak: none}
TABLE#sections {speak: none}
TABLE.navigation:before {speak: normal;
content: url(aural1.html)}
TABLE#sections:before {speak: normal;
content: url(aural2.html)}

This is a real example from a site I am working on - the navigation tables
aren't terribly good for aural rendering, so this is a much better
solution. However, I am somewhat reluctant to do it because while I am
more or less assured of speak support, generated content might not be

It is interesting that one cannot simulate this content replacement for
other media (I did toy with changing display: none to not affect :before
and :after, but I wasn't wholly convinced).

From Matthew Brealey ( (for law)or (for CSS))
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Received on Thursday, 27 January 2000 08:20:56 UTC