Currently it is possible to control the appearance of the scrolling
mechanism (if any) on a window using the overflow property (overflow:
hidden) on the HTML (root) element. 

No it isn't. The overflow property applies to the content area of
elements, HTML can have margins, borders or padding. Therefore the
scrolling behaviour is ua-specific and cannot currently be described by

In addition, the sentence is wrong (overflow does not describe the
appearance of the scrolling mechanism, rather the presence or otherwise of
it) and the bracketed overflow: hidden is completely meaningless.

The sample style sheet is also wrong:

button, input[type=button], input[type=reset], input[type=submit],
input[type=checkbox], input[type=radio], textarea, input,
input[type=text], input[type=hidden], input[type=password],
{/* appearance of the various types of HTML4 buttons */
 display: inline-block;
 color: ButtonText;
 background: Button;
 border: ButtonBorder;

Wrong. Missing border style. Border declaration therefore ineffective.
Change to  border: 2px inset ButtonBorder (the current typical rendering).

/* dynamic interface */
 cursor: arrow;

Not a valid cursor type. In addition, 'default', which is what is meant,
is not the 'correct' cursor for text input elements. However, the cursor
declaration is entirely redundant. UA style sheets should not, under any
circumstances, have any cursor declarations. HTML {cursor: auto}, is the
only declaration that is needed, but this is redundant in a UA style sheet
since auto is the initial value. Let me repeat _cursor declarations have
no place in UA style sheets_. For example, BUTTON might have 'cursor:
pointer' in one UA and 'cursor: default' in another.

The primary role for cursor is in XML.

frame, frameset

No. They are both display: block

input[type=checkbox]:before { content: checkbox }

input[type=radio]:before { content: radio }

Why :before? Why not plain input[type=radio] {content: radio}

input[type=button], input[type=reset], input[type=submit]
{/* content and formatting of text in HTML4 input buttons */
 content: attr(value)}

Nope. attr(value) is fine for button, but for reset it is content: "Reset"
- regardless of the case of value

 user-modify: read-only; 
No. Input is the same as input[type=text]

Correct for user-modify is:
input[type=text], input {user-modify: read-write}

input[type] {user-modify: read-only}

textarea, button
/* appearance of BUTTON and TEXTAREA tags in particular */

Standard practice is white-space: pre for textarea. I haven't tested any
other browsers, but WinIE does white-space: nowrap for button.

This is needed:
input[type=text], input {overflow: scroll;
scrollbar: vertical}

input[type] {overflow: hidden}

textarea {overflow: auto}

Note the scrollbar property. This is the same as the proposed resizer
property with the exception that it specifies whether scrollbars will
appear, so overflow: scroll specifies scrolling behaviour without scroll
bars appearing. 

I'm quite sure there are other errors in the style sheet as well, but it
is rather difficult to read because of the way it is arranged.

html {
       width: 100px;
       height: 100px;
       overflow: clip;

Not a valid value for overflow. This error is repeated several times in
the document

       resizer: none
     } /* display content in a non-resizable 100px by 100px window */

What effect does display: inline have on an element that is intrinsically
inline-blockish (i.e., one with intrinsic dimensions); for example, <IMG
style="display: inline">. There seem to me to be two options:

1. ignore the declaration and treat as an inline element - but why have
display: inline-block at all?
2. honour the declaration - but how?

>From Matthew Brealey (http://members.tripod.co.uk/lawnet (for law)or http://members.tripod.co.uk/lawnet/WEBFRAME.HTM (for CSS))
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Received on Monday, 28 February 2000 11:01:31 UTC