Re: Rotated Content

On Sun, 4 Jul 1999, Jan Roland Eriksson wrote:
>> Here is another example, this one puts the text "W3C Recommendation"
>> along the left edge of the viewport, like is currently done in W3C
>> Recommendations (but currently a graphic is used):
>>   .document.type { 
>>      position: fixed; height: 1em; width: 10em;
>>      top: 4em; left: -4em; margin: auto; rotate: 90deg;
>>      background: blue; color: white; text-align: center;
>>      font: light 1em sans-serif;
>>   }
> Can I from this part deduct that properties like "top" and "left" do
> _not_ rotate with the element? What happens to the rendering box at
> let's say only a 10 degree rotation?

Yes - the box is first flowed (if position:relative or static), and then
the box is positioned (if position is not static) and then the box is
rotated. The rotation is the _last_ transformation to be applied. It is
applied to everything, in much the same way as the positoning is done in
the first place.

> Have that at all been touched yet? What is it that is to be rotated?
> The "forground" of a rendering box with a box size that autoadjusts in
> size as needed? or is it the whole box that is to be rotated?

The whole box. To rotate the text itself, as in bottom-to-top writing, use
the i18n CSS proposal.

> What all this seems to point at is that 90, 180 and 270 degree rotations
> would be fairly simple to implement regardless of box or foreground
> rotation is chosen as the method, but all the inbetweens will create
> severe problems for sure.

No, any rotation would be very simple to perform using the system
suggested here: all that is needed is a graphic rotation algorithm. The
rest of the CSS box model is left totally unaffected.

Ian Hickson
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Received on Thursday, 15 July 1999 15:48:45 UTC