Re: Speak-Punctuation

At 02:04 PM 12/08/99 +0200, Daniel Glazman wrote:
>Garth Wallace a écrit :
>> It might make sense to add a "skip" value to
>> the speak-punctuation property, for use with
>> acronyms that nomally use periods, like "The
>> Man From U.N.C.L.E"
>  The Man From <ACRONYM STYLE="speak-ponctuation : none">
>enough ?

I don't think so.  "speak-punctuation: none" says that punctuation is
rendered as "various pauses", which would make "U.N.C.L.E" sound quite

"ignore" might be a bit more clear of a value than "skip".

Liam Quinn
A Real Validator for Windows,
Web Design Group,

Received on Thursday, 12 August 1999 08:52:15 UTC