Re: Capitalize across "span"

Clive Bruton wrote:
> Is it possible to change a string to uppercase across a span?
> IE:
> SPAN.CAP { text-transform; uppercase }
> <SPAN CLASS=CAP>make THIS Caps becAUSE it'S ALL Mixed UP</SPAN>
> I've tried a few variants on the above { font-variant; uppercase } etc,
> but don't seem to be getting very far.

Yes,  that should work.  But you need to get the syntax right:

span.cap { text-transform: uppercase }

although you really needn't specify the tag:

.cap { text-transform: uppercase } 

is quite sufficient.  This works fine in netscape 4, in my browser and I
presume in ie 4.

Doug Rand
Silicon Graphics/SSO
Disclaimer: These are my views,  SGI's views are in 3D

Received on Monday, 9 February 1998 11:16:17 UTC