RE: JavaScript-CSS oddity

The problems with NN4.X and JavaScript-CSS are not restricted to <SPAN>

The body element of the page at
loses its border attributes after a <NOSCRIPT>. I've submitted this as a
bug report to Netscape and have yet to hear from them. Does anyone from
Netscape read this list?

Since, under HTML 4.0 <div> can contain <div>, I've experimented with a
#mainbody element in my style sheet that contains the body level
formatting and wrapping the whole page after <body> in <div
id="mainbody">...</div> construct. Seems to work on Macs, but needs
testing on WinTel.

>From: 	Steve Knoblock
>Sent: 	Sunday, February 1, 1998 7:00 AM
>To: 	Hakon Lie; Eric A. Meyer
>Subject: 	JavaScript-CSS oddity
>While working on some pages where I had added <SPAN> tags merely to
>complement the design for CSS browsers, I started having trouble with the
>lower half of the page being truncated. This was after adding
>document.write (a notoriously buggy function) to the page in order to hide
>some scripted HTML from down level browsers. To make a very long story
>short, I found that removing all <SPAN> tags from the page alleviated the
>problem. The document.write was inside a table cell (yes, I know, I was
>asking for trouble). This is in NN4.02 and NN4.04. It seems SPAN and
>document.write do not mix. I wonder if this is something to do with JSS?

Received on Tuesday, 3 February 1998 13:37:02 UTC