Re: Preview: CSS1 Test Suite

At 11:18 AM 4/6/98 -0500, Eric A. Meyer wrote:
>Greetings all!
>   Over the past couple of months, Hakon Lie (W3C), Tim Boland (NIST), and
>I have been working to develop a rigorous test suite for CSS1
>implementations.  This suite is intended as a way of enabling page authors
>to test their browsers, and of assisting vendors in strengthening the CSS
>implementations their own products...

A herculean effort! This grand idea will go a long way to helping Web
authors and vendors boost CSS support. Bravo!

A general suggestion I have is that the test area of each page include
*every single HTML tag* with the CSS rule applied. I know this is a lot of
work, but it's not enough to know, for example, that text-align works on
text. Does it work on IMG? TABLE? EMBED? Well, anyway, you see what I mean.

Also, on each page, a link to the corresponding section of the spec would
be nice.


Received on Monday, 6 April 1998 11:49:56 UTC