
Authors can target the braille reader with the @media braille and @media
emboss property, but because of the nature of braille 95% of the CSS style
properties are not necessary.

  To write braille text for example, only one type of emphasis can be used
(called braille italic the prefixed 4-6 cell), there are only three types of
heading, major, minor, and paragraph, and lines can only be indented. The
terminology used in braille is indent and runover.

 In addition in print media, the braille printer needs to know whether to
maintain the page numbering of the inkprint original, as it would when
printing out a "textbook" style page, or whether it is unimportant as when
printing out a "literary" style page.

 Most of the other requirements for embossed printing can be handled by the
current @print properties.
The following new CSS properties would cover most of the needs of braille

@media braille{

     .majorheader{braille-heading:major}      /*values     major | minor |
para | inherit */

        braille-indent:3;         /* indent the first line to cell 3. value
is a cell number, default is 1*/
        braille-runover:1;      /*subsequent lines indented to cell1, ie the
left "margin"*/

        braille-indent:1;         /* indent the first line to cell 1. */
        braille-runover:5;      /*subsequent lines indented to cell5*/

     .emph{braille-emph:emphasis} /*syntax braill-emph:[ emphasis|normal ]

@media emboss{braille-pagenumber:textbook}

/* possible values are textbook | literary | original | none. Default would
be textbook where both the inkprint page number and the embossed page number
is given.*/


Received on Friday, 3 April 1998 12:48:37 UTC