Re: Different display border-left-width in NN4 en MSIE4

On Oct 30,  7:35pm, Hans de Jong wrote:

> <H2 STYLE="border-left-width: thin; border-style: solid">some text</H2>
> NN4 only sets the left border with a thin width, but MSIE4 also sets the
> other sides with medium width.

MSIE is correct in this instance.

> The specification is not completely clear to me on this point, but one
> can read it like this:
> - it's necessary to use the border-style property, otherwise the border
> isn't visible because of the initial value of none;


> - if you use one value for the border-style property it should apply to
> all four sides;

yes. You could also use "border-left: thin solid" [1] to achieve the
desired effect.

> - because the initial value of border-width is medium, all the sides
> without the border-width property are set to medium.


> I suppose that's the way it works in MSIE4. Is this the correct
> interpretation of the specification?

It is.

> In NN4 it doesn't matter if you use the border-style property.
> Apparently the initial value NN4 uses in this case is solid. Also it
> makes no difference if you use more than one value for the border-style
> property. The other sides remain without border.

That is not correct according to CSS1.


Chris Lilley, W3C                          [ ]
Graphics and Fonts Guy            The World Wide Web Consortium              INRIA,  Projet W3C                       2004 Rt des Lucioles / BP 93
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Received on Thursday, 30 October 1997 15:09:04 UTC