Re: Header, Footer, and Sidebars

David Perrell wrote (12:44 PM -0800 11/30/97):
" Todd Fahrner wrote:
" >I had been thinking that UA default stylesheets should ship by default with
" >font-size on BODY weighted !important, and in a non-relative unit. 
" This is worse than having the default font-size on HTML. Since relative font
" size is relative to the parent. even this:
"  BODY { font-size: 1.1em ! important }
" would be undefined, i.e. it would be impossible for an author to resize BODY
" relative to the base font.

It would have to be in a "real" unit:

 BODY { font-size: 12pt !important }

This would, at worst, deprive authors of the ability to influence the size of pcdata floating in the body element without resorting to !important themselves. They could improve their HTML and gain control of style in one motion by containing BODY's children in DIVs, paragraphs - whatever.

Todd Fahrner

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	- El Lissitzky, 1923

Received on Sunday, 30 November 1997 16:03:10 UTC