Re: font-size (was Re: Header, Footer, and Sidebars)

Susan Lesch wrote, at 9:42 -0800 on 30.11.97:
> The CSS1 sample style sheet for HTML
> 2.0 lists no BODY font size; the CSS2 sample for HTML 4.0 is in
> em; the Base Stylesheet (22-Nov) has medium for a BODY value,
> more like the initial value in the CSS2 spec (shipped with no
> BODY size in its own style sheet, a good plan maybe!)...

The sample stylesheet in the CSS2 draft has 1em on BODY, but this is really
just an awkward way of saying "I get my real value elsewhere". The "Base
Stylesheet"[1], whence the sample was derived, has a commented-out section
in which the value on BODY is 12pt, and the background, text and link
colors express the Mosaic defaults. I move that this section be uncommented
and put in the sample sheet, with "font size" weighted !important. UAs must
provide a means of overwriting these values, as they do now in some more
mysterious system. The base/sample sheet is not meant to be a style model
for author sheets, but for users and their agents.


Todd Fahrner

Received on Sunday, 30 November 1997 15:32:50 UTC