Re: alternate font properties

On Jul 28, 10:54am, David Perrell wrote:

>   P { font: normal 10pt/12pt Verdana, 11pt Arial, 11pt sans-serif }
>   H2 { font: normal 14pt/14pt "Friz Quadrata", bold Palatino, serif }

Lets suppose I have an unusual font which has the family name of
'bold Palatino'. How would I write a declaration that asks for
normal 14pt/14pt  with "Friz Quadrata" as the first family choice, and
"bold Palatino" as the second choice

H2 { font: normal 14pt/14pt "Friz Quadrata", "bold Palatino", serif }

I have also seen font names with numbers etc in them. I am not sure that
your proposed syntax is unambiguous. Particularly for those vendors who
(attempt to) silently cope with missing quotes.

I will leave it to Bert Bos to comment further since he is the formal
syntax maven.

> When an alternate font declaration is used, any associated properties
> are also applied. However unless specifically overridden, properties
> set in each subsequent font declaration would inherit those previously
> defined. In the first example above, the 2nd and 3rd declarations
> inherit the 14pt line-height from the initial declaration. In the
> second example, the 2nd and 3rd declarations inherit the 14pt/14pt
> font-size/line-height from the initial declaration, and the 3rd
> declaration inherits the bold font-weight from the second.
> It seems to me this could be implemented with little effort and no
> breakage, since by the above rules the current examples are still
> valid.

The idea of grouping font properties into atomic sets ic certainly
interesting and has also been called for wrt ensuring that runs of
text in a single language use a consistent font (especially languages
which are mostly covered by Latin-1 but have a few extra characters).

I'm not sure that this particular syntax will fit the bill, however.
Feel free to dissuade me with counter examples, of course.

Chris Lilley, W3C                          [ ]
Graphics and Fonts Guy            The World Wide Web Consortium              INRIA,  Projet W3C                       2004 Rt des Lucioles / BP 93
+33 (0)4 93 65 79 87       06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France

Received on Tuesday, 29 July 1997 08:32:19 UTC