Re:When will CSS rule?

CSS can make your file as webmaster much easier. Can you imagine not having
to search and replace thousands of <font> tags across hundreds of documents?
Can you imagine changing the look of you pages just by changing a linked
style sheet? In an instant? Can you imagine using H1 for a top-level heading
instead of H3 because H3 "looks good on X browser?" Remember <h1> means
"most important level" not "big type."

Let me point out that CSS does not have to be the winner in web-style
languages. Nor does HTML. Someday browsers may parse SGML directly and maybe
DSSL will rule. We would be at another level. But the change then would be
worth it---if it truly gives the author more power. The point is CSS is most
suitable to web-as-it-is as is HTML. We need a standard, not a bunch of
duplicate style languages that do the same thing. I don't need to multiply
my dozen style sheets by the number of browsers available.

I understand you concern as a commercial producer for having web pages that
degrade gracefully and look good on older non-css browsers. This is a tricky
thing right now if you use fancy HTML manipulations and <font> tags. I think
my pages look good enough in NS and great in IE. But I'm a non-commercial site.

I would start implementing some simple style addition now to your pages here
and there, maybe as in-lines. That way people will see a difference. Then NS
may follow.


>It does seem to be a very valuable tool for building sites that are
>visually appealing (whether those sites are art/style oriented or more
>basic company info-type sites).  Seem like CSS could make my life easier.
>Here's the problem I have, as a producer:

>I need to build sites that will look good and work well on as many
>different browsers and platforms as I can think of.  Of course, we do

   _/     Steve Knoblock, ed., City Gallery
   _/     City Gallery - History of Photography
   _/     Member:  National Stereoscopic Association

Received on Monday, 18 November 1996 22:45:38 UTC