Re: Re:When will CSS rule?

At 10:07 AM 11/20/96 -0500, Steve Knoblock wrote:
>I agree with all these points. We may not be able to get the browser
>developers to implement them. Maybe MS is listening. I know they have a SGML
>backend for Word.

Microsoft also uses SGML massively in-house.

>>Why? It is no harder to parse <POEM> than <DIV CLASS=POEM>. Neither requires
>>a browser update. They just require a style sheet to describe how to display
>I think Carl's concern is that SGML does not specify the way an element
>should be displayed. If there were no style sheet present, then browser
>developers would have to reinvent tags soup. But I think the very fact that
>you could create an infinite number of variations on elements with SGML
>makes a style sheet a necessary prerequisite for deploying SGML on the web.

That is true. SGML without a style sheet is basically unreadable. But I
expect the text-mode browser vendors to be on the cutting edge of generic
SGML deployment. So it will only be the WYSIWYG vendors (who have no excuse)
who will hold us back.

>>HTML could never turn into SGML. It wouldn't make sense. But the "standard
>>language" of the Web could turn into SGML. This process is under way.
>That process scares me a bit. Will the DTD have to be downloaded with each

No. You no longer need the DTD to display the document. You just need the
stylesheet. This is described at

 Paul Prescod
Boycott Shell Oil worldwide!    

"Shell is here on trial and it is as well that it is represented by counsel
said to be holding a watching brief."..."The ecological war that the Company
has waged in the Delta will be called to question sooner than later." -Ken
Saro-Wiwa to the tribunal that later executed him.

Received on Wednesday, 20 November 1996 11:45:54 UTC