Re: Re:When will CSS rule?

>I start the document with an H1, and I use H2 - H5 through out the
>document, and I yet I don't feel that the H1 is too large, but do start
>to think the H4 and H5 is getting a bit small...  That may be because I

No, with your wide margins the H1 is not too big. The sub-heads are too
small. You should set a font-size on each heading. I'd set them all to the
same size of course ;-) At least for a technical or educational document I
like to indent the heading into the margin and keep the font size the same
as the text, for clarity.

>use CSS to change the font from what is normally Verdanna on my system
>to "times" for just the headings.  Verdanna is an awfully large and
>readable font when compared to the same point size of Times New Roman
>(is that a bug in Microsoft's definition of points?)

Some fonts are "bigger on their body" than others like Garamond takes more
space than Times.

>chance to keeping it from wrapping on my system, but I like the way it
>wraps (and it probably only wraps that way on my system) in the large

Sometimes I do like the way a title wraps.

>However I am not so interested in what you would still have to call
><TAG SOUP>...  Whether its <SPACER> or <POEM> its a lot of unneeded
>tags.  If you want to search your poems embedded in your documents,

Not tag soup. With CSS <p class=copyright> is equal (mentally) to
<copyright> and being based through inheritance on <p> we know its behavior.

>or price increase).  By using a proprietary document format in
>searching you are likely to increase the speed of the search anyway...

Not proprietary. With CSS <div class=poem> = <poem>. Easy for a search
engine to do now.

   _/     Steve Knoblock, ed., City Gallery
   _/     City Gallery - History of Photography
   _/     Member:  National Stereoscopic Association

Received on Tuesday, 19 November 1996 19:54:33 UTC