Re: Cardinality restrictions (was: comparing DAML-ONT and OIL)

Frank van Harmelen wrote:
> One of the things that struck me in Peter's list of comparing OIL-Standard and DAML-ONT was:
> >                                 OIL-Standard            DAML-1.2
> >
> >   Cardinality Restrictions      local (and global)      global only
> This means that in DAML-ONT I cannot have a property "hasWheels" with a different cardinality restriction for bicycles and cars (since only one global cardinality restriction is allowed per slot).
> All other slot-restrictions in DAML-ONT are local (as they are in OIL).

No, daml:domain and daml:range are global. Well.. there's a local
version of range. A local version of domain has
been suggested, I think.

> Why has cardinality been handled differently?

No particular reason... the local (i.e. per-domain)
parts of DAML were added sort of in a hurry, and
we didn't really finish the job.

	-- these requests would make DAML consistent with OIL, and
	-- they have been made and seconded, and
	-- nobody has objected (including me), but
	-- I'm not in a good position to edit it into the spec
		just now
I consider these TODO items. i.e. range-dependent-domain
and domain-dependent-cardinality.
(along with defined classes; cf my message of
Thu, 12 Oct 2000 09:02:59 -0500

though it's starting to look like the need for all of
OIL's defined classes may be met by the current DAML draft.)

Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Saturday, 14 October 2000 23:26:39 UTC