- From: <Dlmcg1@aol.com>
- Date: Sun, 15 Oct 2000 01:53:23 EDT
- To: <connolly@w3.org>, <frank.van.harmelen@cs.vu.nl>
- Cc: <www-rdf-logic@w3.org>, <dlm@ksl.stanford.edu>
yes - I think there is universal agreement that cardinality per domain is useful and desirable. I personally believe they are much more useful than cardinality in a global sense. There appeared to be historical interest in cardinality in a global sense and leaving it there along with adding the domain specific cardinality will give us the opportunity to see how it is used in the fullness of time. It will however give us additional opportunites for contradictions - having both constructs will allow us to say that globally a property may have a cardinality of 2 (thus have no more than 2 fillers) but later one could add either a minimum cardinality of 3 or an exact cardinality of 3 (thus a minimum cardinality and a max cardinality of 3) on a particular domain, thus causing a conflict. I see two courses: (1) add cardinality on a per domain basis in ADDITION to keeping cardinality on a global basis. Thus we have a monotonic addition to the expressive power. (2) since the release is still so early, take away cardinality on a global basis and add it only on a per domain basis Many of us have spent careers encoding cardinality on a per domain basis and have not felt a need for it (other than stating that a role is functional) on a global basis so I can easily support option 2. That is what I would have chosen personally. Given that the other is already there though, the path of least resistance is to choose path 1. Deborah dlm@ksl.stanford.edu
Received on Sunday, 15 October 2000 01:54:06 UTC