public-semweb-lifesci list (was re: Using RDF to describe biological taxonomy.)

* Graham Klyne <> [2004-03-29 12:22+0100]
> An indirect answer:  unfortunately, I'm offline so I can't track down the 
> links.
> I vaguely recall that the zoology department at Oxford University are doing 
> some work with RDF and/or DAML/OWL.  I haven't a clue if its relevant to 
> your question, but seems to me it's worth tracking down/checking out.
> [later] URI:

Reminds me... a while back we set up a mailing list for discussion of 
Semantic Web and the Life Sciences. I don't believe it was very widely
announced, so here goes:

Purpose: Discussions of application of Semantic Web to life sciences

The public-semweb-lifesci list provides an open forum for scientists and
informaticists to discuss issues and initiatives relevant to the
exploration and use of the Semantic Web for the life sciences.

This forum is intended to identify opportunities for applying
semantic-based approaches to life sciences, as well as advance the rapid
design and development of reference models in several areas of life
sciences informatics and knowledge exchange.

The public-semweb-lifesci discussion list is a forum for detailed
domain-related and technical discussions of all approaches to the use of
classical logic and ontologies within the Life Science community for the
representation of data, ontologies, intepretations, knowledge,
biological systems, mechanisms of action, and inference rules.

The life science list is part of the W3C RDF Interest Group.

(un)subscribe instructions:

In brief... send mail like this to join:

        Subject: subscribe

I'm also happy to see discussion on such topics here, www-rdf-interest
(ie. don't feel I'm ruling this discussion out of scope), but for those
who would like to discuss this topic in great detail, I encourage you to
take advantage of the public-semweb-lifesci list.



RDF/SW IG chair

Received on Monday, 29 March 2004 07:53:36 UTC