Re: looking for semantic web inference tool

Hi --

You wrote.... are there any other tools for sw reasoning?

You may be interested in the running examples at .

One could start with: MergeOntologies1, SemanticResolution1, 
SemanticWebOntology1, and RDFreasoning1 .

Go to the above site, click on "Internet Business Logic", then on the GO 
button.  Please use the Help buttons to see how to navigate.

You can also write and run your own examples.

There's a downloadable "Semantic Web Presentation" that tries to explain 
the approach.

HTH,         -- Adrian

Adrian Walker
Reengineering LLC
PO Box 1412
CT 06011-1412 USA

Phone: USA 860 583 9677
Cell:    USA  860 830 2085
Fax:    USA  860 314 1029

At 07:44 PM 3/4/04 +0000, you wrote:

>DAMLJessKB is a tool for semantic web inference.are there any other tools 
>for sw reasoning?
>thank u in advance.

Received on Thursday, 4 March 2004 15:06:07 UTC