RE: question about list and range of property



This issue has been raised in the past and sadly has not been addressed
by OWL (except saying that OWL Full).

I think this use case is coming so often when modeling information, that
I think it should be in DL or built in RDF model, not in OWL Full.


This change should be done for all the container types


Best regards


Stephane Fellah

Web Chief Architect


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-----Original Message-----
From: Shengping Liu [] 
Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2004 12:20 PM
Subject: question about list and range of property



  If in my RDF Schema,  the range of property knows is Person, i.e.,
<knows, rdfs:range Person>

then if some one knows many persons, can I write this in RDF?

<Person rdf:ID="P1">

<knows parseType="collection"> 

       <Person rdf:resource="#P2">

       <Person rdf:resource="#P3">




is this RDF file validated against the RDF Schema?


1)       If true: by the semantics of rdfs:range , an instance of
rdf:List  would be  a Person, seems error; 

2)       If false:  then I must define the range of property "knows" is
rdf:List, but I can't constrict the list 

that only contains instances of  Person, and this definition would be
contrary to the intuition 

and make RDF data aggregation difficult. 


What is your idea? Thanks!


= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =  

Shengping Liu

Department of Information Science, Peking University, China.


Phone: 86-10-62757175



Received on Thursday, 10 June 2004 14:13:16 UTC