Re: question about list and range of property


The best way to say someone knows multiple persons is like this:

<foaf:name>Libby Miller</foaf:name>
<foaf:mbox rdf:resource="" />
   <name>Craig Dibble</name>

   <name>Martin Poulter</name>

i.e. you just repeat the property knows. I would avoid using lists and

Try looking at the output of for examples.



On Fri, 11 Jun 2004, Shengping Liu wrote:

> Hi,
>   If in my RDF Schema,  the range of property knows is Person, i.e.,
> <knows, rdfs:range Person>
> then if some one knows many persons, can I write this in RDF?
> <Person rdf:ID="P1">
> <knows parseType="collection">
>        <Person rdf:resource="#P2">
>        <Person rdf:resource="#P3">
>     </knows>
> </Person>
> is this RDF file validated against the RDF Schema?
> 1)       If true: by the semantics of rdfs:range , an instance of
> rdf:List  would be  a Person, seems error;
> 2)       If false:  then I must define the range of property "knows" is
> rdf:List, but I can't constrict the list
> that only contains instances of  Person, and this definition would be
> contrary to the intuition
> and make RDF data aggregation difficult.
> What is your idea? Thanks!
> = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
> Shengping Liu
> Department of Information Science, Peking University, China.
> Phone: 86-10-62757175
> Mail:

Received on Thursday, 10 June 2004 13:49:02 UTC