- From: Dmitry Borodaenko <d.borodaenko@sam-solutions.net>
- Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2003 11:36:27 +0300
- To: www-rdf-interest@w3.org
Samizdat RDF Implementation Report ================================== Implementation -------------- http://www.nongnu.org/samizdat/ Samizdat is a generic RDF-based engine for building collaboration and open publishing web sites. Samizdat will let everyone publish, view, comment, edit, and aggregate text and multimedia resources, vote on ratings and classifications, filter resources by flexible sets of criteria, cooperate and coordinate on all kinds of activities (see Design Goals document). Samizdat intends to promote values of freedom, openness, equality, and cooperation. Samizdat engine is implemented using Ruby programming language, Apache mod_ruby module, and PostgreSQL RDBMS, and is available under the GNU General Public License, version 2 or later. Project development started in December 2002, first public release was announced in June 2003. This report refers to the Samizdat 0.0.4, released on 2003-09-01. Functionality covered by this version includes: registering site members, publishing and replying to messages, uploading multimedia messages, voting on standard tags on resources; hand-editing or using GUI for constructing and publishing Squish queries that can be used to search and filter site resources. RDF Schema ---------- Samizdat defines its own RDF schema for description of site members, published messages, votes, and other site resources (see Concepts document). One of the outstanding features of Samizdat schema is the use of statement reification in approval of content classification with votes cast by site members. Samizdat RDF schema uses Dublin Core metadata where applicable; also, integration of site member descriptions with FOAF is planned. One of the problems encountered in Samizdat RDF Schema development was the lack of standard metadata describing discussion threads. While other properties defined in Samizdat schema denote Samizdat-specific concepts, such as "vote" and "rating", it is more desirable to use commonly agreed metadata for threading structure in place of implementation-local "thread" and "inReplyTo" properties. RDF Import and Export --------------------- While Samizdat model follows RDF Concepts and RDF Semantics recommendations (with the exceptions put down below), the engine does not externally interchange RDF data and thus does not use RDF/XML or other RDF serialization format. It is assumed that, when the need for RDF import and export arises, it can be implemented externally on top of the Samizdat RDF storage module and using existing RDF frameworks such as Redland. Datatyped Literals ------------------ Samizdat doesn't implement datatyped literals, and relies on underlying PostgreSQL capabilities for mapping between literal values and their string representations. Outside of SQL context, literals are interpreted as opaque strings; XML literals are not treated specially, and datatype information is not preserved. However, support of XML schema datatypes is considered necessary in order to untie a Samizdat knowledge base from specifics of underlying RDF storage, and will be implemented as a prerequisite for migration to a selection of alternative RDF storage backends (candidates are FramerD, 3store, and Redland). Language Tags ------------- Literal language tags are not honoured, "dc:language" property is supposed to be used to denote message language. Entailments ----------- Samizdat RDF storage only implements simple entailment, vocabulary entailment is not implemented yet. At the moment, simple entailment suffices for all features of the Samizdat engine. If and when vocabulary entailment becomes necessary, it will be implemented in Samizdat RDF storage module or relegated to an alternative RDF storage backend, depending on status of backend alternatives for Samizdat at that time. Query Support ------------- Samizdat RDF storage implements a translation of RDF query graphs written in extended Squish into relational SQL queries and allows purely relational representation of selected properties of site resources (see RDF Storage and Storage Implementation documents). It must be noted that at the moment, status of RDF query language standards is found unsatisfactory. DAML Query Language abstract specification provides excellent formal basis, but does not encompass all capabilities of existing RDF query languages. Also, existing query languages are limited in one way or another, are underformalized (most are defined by single implementation), and often overloaded with baroque syntax. Two major features that were missed the most in existing query languages at the time of Samizdat RDF storage implementation were: knowledge base update allowing to merge complex constructs into the site KB graph (implemented in Samizdat RDF Data Manipulation Language), and workflow control providing at least transaction rollback (in Samizdat, underlying PostgreSQL transactions are used). Other Squish extensions implemented in Samizdat are literal conditions and answer collection ordering (currently, relegated to PostgreSQL; ideally, interpreted according to literal datatypes). -- Dmitry Borodaenko
Received on Monday, 8 September 2003 05:28:00 UTC