Re: ANN: Joseki, an RDF server. v1.0

Seaborne, Andy wrote:

>Joseki: The Jena RDF Server
Kewl!  At last a API that gives a URI to a model :)))))

May I ask what may be some obvious (or stupid) questions:

Suppose we have a RDF model in the file "stuff.xml" and want it to 
appear as ||,
then I have another RDF file "stuff2.xml that I want to *add* to the 
*same* model.  


    a   joseki:AttachedModel ;
    joseki:attachedModel        <file:stuff2.xml> ;
    joseki:hasQueryOperation    joseki:BindingRDQL ;
    joseki:hasQueryOperation    joseki:BindingGET ;
    joseki:hasOperation         joseki:BindingQueryModel ;
    joseki:hasOperation         joseki:BindingOptions ;
    joseki:hasOperation         joseki:BindingPing ;
    joseki:isImmutable			"true" ;

do it?  ... or would it replace the original model?   

Does it smusch bNodes ?


Seth Russell

Received on Monday, 20 January 2003 16:29:09 UTC