Re: a URI is a name (tel uri scheme and VCARD RDF)

Alexander Jerusalem wrote:

> This paper shows quite well the contradictory notions of what a URI
> should be. On the one hand it says URIs should not change and be opaque.
> On the other hand meaning is encoded into URIs, such as protocols and
> hierarchies and different parts are extracted and acted upon by
> different agents. The topic of what should be in an ID has been
> discussed at great length long before the web was invented (i.e. in the
> context of relational databases) and I tend to be on the side of
> meaningless unique IDs cleanly separated from information about how to
> get the stuff the ID refers to.

Yes, this issue has been discussed before there was a Web and every 
single day since there has been a Web. So I won't go into again. Suffice 
to say that pretty much everything that could be said on the issue of 
separating identifiers and locators has been said. I sent you the URIs 
to make you aware that this is not a part of the architecture that fell 
into place thoughtlessly, but is in fact carefully designed to be the 
way it is (right or wrong).

  Paul Prescod

Received on Monday, 25 November 2002 12:36:42 UTC