Re: RDF, RDFS and DAML+OIL benifits over XML (fwd)

Hi Manos,

On Fri, 8 Nov 2002, m batsis wrote:


Yes, I've that in my RDF paper stack. Thanks anyway.

Dan answer aligns with TBL view on the subject (also given in that

- XML multiple possible tree representations, leading to several
drawbacks, namely the mapping back issue (to the original OO model)


- the more compact RDF knowledge description. Well basically all is about
triples and the OO concepts built on RDFS and later extended by DAML.

One of the thinks that, at this stage, I think that RDF, and related
stuff, can give us is the ability to deploy a generalized Web resource
paradigm through the deployment of an "autonomous RDF resource" concept,
i.e. RDF standards establish the syntax that enable data and its metadata
to share the same support (e.g. encapsulated in a XML document). Inference
mechanisms, by the data processing entities, are envisage based on the
conveyed information.


Pedro | Tel. +351 22 8340500 Ext. 1712

Received on Friday, 8 November 2002 06:27:57 UTC