RE: Contexts (not again!)

H i Richard,

Thanks for the info.

I don't know if you intended your reply to go to the list or not, but I'm
sure this material will be of interest there, so I've quoted the key part
below along with a snippet from your version of the DAML ontologies. The
language [1] you're working on seems very similar to Seth Russell's
Semenglish [2] and it's great to see that you've put together an application
that uses it (I believe Seth's Sailor agents [3] understands some
Semenglish). What language is it written in, btw?


  I just joined this email group, so I haven't seen any of the
  discussion you're talking about.

  However, I've spent a lot of time working on context issues.
  My view of context is a list of Statements (propositions).
  I use an entity-characteristic-proposition hierarchy to
  help organize & visualize the context.  Unlike RDF or other
  XML-style languages, my KR language is English-like.
  Click on "knowledge" below my name to access my web site
  which includes the KR grammar and lots of examples.

  # <!-- *****************INSTANCES***************** -->
  # <ss:BackPack rdf:ID="ReadyRuck">
  #   <rdfs:label>Ready Ruck back pack</rdfs:label>
  #   <rdfs:comment>
  #     The ideal pack for your most rugged adventures
  #   </rdfs:comment>
  #   <ss:productNumber>23456</ss:productNumber>
  #   <ss:packCapacity>45</ss:packCapacity>
  #   <ss:usedFor rdf:resource="#Hiking"/>
  # </ss:BackPack>
  ReadyRuck isu BackPack
  ReadyRuck has
      rdfs:label = "Ready Ruck back pack",
      rdfs:comment = "The ideal pack for your most rugged adventures",
      productNumber = 23456,
      packCapacity = 45,
      usedFor = Hiking

Received on Sunday, 3 November 2002 05:27:20 UTC