(unknown charset) Re: Triples from DAML

Actually DAML+OIL doesn't really care about either the XML/RDF encoding or
the RDF triples.  What counts as far as DAML+OIL is concerned is the models
of the above.

In these models, some triples are interpreted as logical constructs 
(e.g., equivalentTo John Susan) and others are interpreted as non-logical
constructs (e.g., parent John Susan).  Which is more important is, of
course, up to you, but generally both are needed to provide a coherent view
of a DAML+OIL knowlege base.

Peter F. Patel-Schneider
Bell Labs Research

From: "Charlie Abela" <abcharl@maltanet.net>
Subject: Triples from DAML
Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2001 00:12:19 -0000

> Hi.
> Hopefully someone will dedicate some time to tell me if I’m on the right
> track or not.
> Since DAML is based on XML then one might consider using an XML parser to
> effectively parse a DAML file. Right?
> On the other hand a DAML parser is able to produce more information
> regarding a
> DAML since it would parse the DAML into triples.
> Which triples can be considered more useful than others when making a
> query?
> Example1: the following is an instance of a CS-Staff member
> IsAMemberOf(John,CS-Staff) =>
> CS-Staff is the Subject
> IsAMemberOf is the Predicate
> John is the Object
> So I would say that DatatypeProperties in a DAML file are important since
> from them one can get to the type of relations as above
> One can query for example: “Which are the staff members in the Computer
> Science department?”
> And this would return with all the values that the IsAMemberOf( x,CS-Staff)
> represents.
> Example 2:
> <daml:Class rdf:ID="Member">
>   <rdfs:label>Member</rdfs:label>
>   <rdfs:comment>represents a member of the lecturing staff</rdfs:comment>
>   <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="
> http://www.daml.org/2001/03/daml+oil-ex#Person" />
>   <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="
> http://cicho0.tripod.com/cs_Staff_ont#Lecturing-Staff" />
>   <rdfs:subClassOf>
>      <daml:Restriction daml:maxCardinality="1">
>              <daml:onProperty rdf:resource="#hasOffice" />
>      </daml:Restriction>
>   </rdfs:subClassOf>
> </daml:Class>
> This block of daml code above represents a class Member which is a subclass
> of a Person class and a Lecturing-Staff class and also a subclass of the
> abstract class where a Member has only one office(defined elsewhere).
> Such a number of statements when parsed with a DAML parser would result in a
> number of triples, some being more useful than others when querying.
> Such triple as:
>       Subject :    http://cicho0.tripod.com/cs_Staff_ont#Lecturing-Staff
>       Predicate:  subClassOf
>       Object :    Member
>       Subject :    http://www.daml.org/2001/03/daml+oil-ex#Person
>       Predicate:  subClassOf
>       Object :    Member
> Am I right in the above declarations of triples?
> Which other triples can be stated from the above code?
> Charlie

Received on Monday, 26 November 2001 15:55:13 UTC