- From: Ana Alice Baptista <analice@dsi.uminho.pt>
- Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2001 14:45:32 -0000
- To: <www-rdf-interest@w3.org>
This message is cross-posted to several lists - We apologize for possible duplicate postings! CALL FOR PAPERS ICCC / IFIP 6th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRONIC PUBLISHING at Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic ELPUB2002 - "Technology Interactions" http://www.tu-chemnitz.de/elpub02/ Hosted by the Institute for Print and Media Technology of Chemnitz Technical University, Germany and by the Department for Computer Science and Engineering, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Czech Republic November 06 - 09th, 2002 Electronic Publishing is an area that is crossed over other areas such as E-commerce, Digital Libraries, Distance Learning, etc. New technologies keep appearing everyday in the Electronic Publishing arena. These interact not only among them, but also with all these areas, and not always in the same way. The "What, Where, How, and Why" questions about these technologies interactions is the main theme of the 2002 ElPub conference. ELPUB2002 is the 6th in a series of annual international conferences on Electronic Publishing. The objective of ELPUB2002 is to bring together researchers, managers, developers, and users working on the issues related to electronic publishing for public, scientific and commercial applications. The conference will continue the tradition of the previous conferences which took place in Great Britain in 1997, Hungary in 1998, Sweden in 1999, Russia in 2000 and England in 2001. PROGRAMME The focus is on electronic publishing for academic and industrial purposes and for the general public. There will be two tracks: a general track and a technical track. The General track aims to provide an overview of the main issues of the area, such as Human, Cultural, Social, Economic and Legal issues. The Technical Track, on the other hand, aims to provide a more in depth view over the state of the art technologies, applications and tools worldwide. We welcome speakers on the following topics: GENERAL TRACK - New Publishing Models; - New services for the Web; - Old Actors - New Roles: Scholars, Publishers, Librarians, Journalists, Teachers, etc. and Electronic Publishing in E-Commerce, Digital Libraries, Distance Learning, advertisement, etc.; - The Semantic Web; - Multimedia and Multimodal Web; - Web for the TV / TV for the Web; - Multilingual Systems and translators; - Systems for disabled persons; - Metadata - its usage and interoperability; - Accessibility; - Infocracy / Infoexclusion; - Copyright and other rights issues; - Security, and reliability/quality assurance on the information sources; - Standards and recommendations from well-established bodies and their comparison. TECHNICAL TRACK - Using XML and its related technologies(XSL, XSLT, DOM, XLink, XPath, ...); comparing its use with older technologies (like DBMS, for instance); - Development and use of XML applications (XHTML, MathML, NewsML, RDF...) and tools; - Development and use of Metadata vocabularies, application profiles and metadata registries; - Development and use of codification mechanisms and technologies for metadata encoding (RDF, Topic Maps,...); - Knowledge discovery on the Web; Content Search and Retrieval on the Web; - Profiling and personalization; - Interoperability and scalability of Web publishing applications; - Electronic Publishing for mobile devices; - Technologies for the selection of content; their use and/or comparison; - Technologies for security, and reliability/quality assurance on the information sources; - Technologies for copyright assurance; - Mechanisms for the integration of recommendations, standards and standards proposals. THE LIST OF TOPICS IS NOT MEANT TO BE EXHAUSTIVE AND SUBMISSIONS ON ANY TOPIC WITHIN THE OVERALL CONFERENCE THEME WILL BE CONSIDERED. Proceedings of the conference will be published both as a book and electronically. AUTHOR GUIDELINES 1. DEADLINE FOR ABSTRACTS: February 15th, 2002 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Abstract submission must include: - Title of paper - Authors' names - Affiliation - Full Address (including phone, fax, e-mail) - Abstract in English (200 - 400 words) Abstracts should be sent by e-mail (using text-only format; no formatting; double space between paragraphs) to the Programme Committee: programme-elpub@mail.uminho.pt The programme committee will send notification of acceptance of submitted papers by May, 2nd. The deadline for full papers will be June 28th, 2002. Speakers will be given 35 minutes total including time for questions. Papers will be published in the conference proceedings (print and online version). One author per paper (speaker) will be charged a reduced conference fee. GENERAL INFORMATION Host: Chemnitz Technical University, Germany General Chair: Arved Hubler email: arved.huebler@mbv.tu-chemnitz.de Program Chair: João Álvaro Carvalho email: jac@dsi.uminho.pt Program Committee: - BAPTISTA, Ana Alice - University of Minho - Portugal - BORBINHA, José Luís - IST - Portugal; and National Library of Portugal - Portugal - CARVALHO, João Álvaro - University of Minho - Portugal - CHAN, Leslie - University of Toronto - Canada - CORREIA, Ana Maria Ramalho - Universidade Nova de Lisboa/ISEGI - Portugal; and University of Sheffield - UK - COSTA, Sely - University of Brasília - Brazil - DELGADO, Jaime - University Pompeu Fabra - Barcelona - Spain - ENGELEN, Jan - Catholic University of Leuven - Belgium - IYENGAR, Arun - IBM Research/T.J. Watson Research Centre - USA - JEZEK, Karel - University of West Bohemia in Pilsen - Czech Republic - KHAKHAR, Dipak - University of Lund - Sweden - KREINES, Mikhail - Moscow Medical Academy, Moscow Centre for New Information Technologies in Medical Education - Russia - KREULICH, Klaus - Chemnitz Technical University - Germany - LINDE, Peter - Blekinge Institute of Technology - Sweden - MATOUSEK, Vaclav - University of West-Bohemia in Pilsen - Czech Republic - OKERSON, Ann - Yale University - USA - RODRIGUES, Eloy - University of Minho - Portugal - SCHWÄNZL, Roland - University of Osnabrück - Germany - SMITH, John W. T. - University of Kent at Canterbury - UK - TARGINO, Graça - Federal University of Piauí - Brazil - TSCHAMMER, Volker - ECCO(Competence Centre for Electronic Commerce)- Fraunhofer FOKUS - Germany For additional information, please contact the Programme Committee: programme-elpub@mail.uminho.pt
Received on Wednesday, 21 November 2001 09:30:24 UTC