Latest release of ICS-FORTH RDFSuite

[freed from spam trap -ralph]

Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2001 07:11:19 -0500 (EST)
Message-ID: <>
From: Greg Karvounarakis <>
To: <>
cc: Vassilis Christophides <>,
        Dimitris Plexousakis <>,
        Alexaki Sofia <>,
        Greg Karvounarakis <>,

Please accept our apologies for any cross-postings

Dear all,
We are pleased to announce the latest release of the ICS-FORTH RDFSuite,
a set of high-level Scalable Tools for the Semantic Web:

- The Validating RDF Parser (VRP), v2.0, supporting semantic validation
of both resource descriptions and schemas.

- The RDF Schema Specific Data Base (RSSDB) Loader, v1.0,
that uses RDF Schema knowledge to automatically generate
an Object-Relational (SQL3) representation of RDF metadata and load
resource descriptions.

- The RDF Query Language Interpreter (RQL), v1.0, a Declarative
Language for uniformly querying RDF schemas and resource descriptions.

RDF Suite is available for download under an Open Source Software
License from the Web site RDF Suite
has been partially supported by the EU projects C-Web (IST-1999-13479)
and MesMuses (IST-2001- 26074).

VRP v2.0 main features (available for download)
-  Embedded RDF in HTML or XML
-  XML Schema Data Types (
-  Full Unicode
-  The updated RDF syntax (

Various Options
-  Debugging
-  Serialization under the form of triples or graphs
-  Statistics (time, characteristics) of validated schemas and
resource descriptions

Easy to use as a standalone application
-  Graphical User Interface
-  No XML software needs to be installed

Easy to integrate with other applications
-  RDF Model Construction and Validation Java APIs

RSSDB Loader v1.0 main features (available for download)
Customization of the database representation according to
-  Employed meta-schemas
-  RDF schemas and description bases peculiarities
-  Query functionality of applications

Various Options
-  Debugging
-  Incremental loading (detecting changes) of RDF namespaces
-  Statistics (loading time, characteristics) of stored schemas and
resource descriptions

Easy to use as a standalone application
-  Graphical User Interface
-  Requires only JDBC-compliant ORDBMS

Easy to integrate with other applications
-  RDF Model Loading & Update Java APIs

RQL v1.0 main features (online demo available at
the moment, source code distribution coming soon!)
-  XML Schema data types (for filtering literal values)
-  grouping primitives (for constructing nested XML results)
-  aggregate functions (for extracting statistics)
-  recursive traversal of class and property hierarchies (for advanced

Pushes as much as possible query evaluation to the underlying DBMS
-  Benefit from robust SQL3 query engines
-  Extensive use of DB indices

Provides generic RDF/XML result form
-  XSL/XSL processing for customized rendering

Easy to couple with commercial ORDBMSs
-  RDF Querying APIs (SQL3/C++ functions)

Easy to integrate with Web Application Servers
-  C++ or Java drivers to RQL servers

Easy to learn and use
-  One day training

Please also take a look at the repository of currently available RDF
schemas in our site:

We are looking forward to receiving your comments and suggestions.

Best regards
Grigoris Karvounarakis

Received on Monday, 19 November 2001 08:51:02 UTC