Container in RDF Schema

It is  unclear for me from RDF Schema specification how I should specify
that a property is a Container  (Bag, Alt, Seq) of resources of one type
As example, I have Class
it has a property  <person-projects>,
which value should be a Bag of  resources of class <person-project>
As example
                        <per_proj_project resource="utl/project1" />
                        <per_proj_project resource="utl/project2" />

So, in schema I write
  <rdf:type resource=""/>
  <rdfs:label xml:lang="en">person-projects</rdfs:label>
  <rdfs:comment>Unordered list of resources, describing participation of a
person in research and development projects</rdfs:comment>

But how to say that it is a Bag of person-project?
Should  I create new class which will be a subclass of Bag as well
person-project and say  that the range of project-abstracts is that class?
Or what?

Thank you in advance
Best regards
MSc Andrei S. Lopatenko
Vienna University of Technology

Received on Friday, 27 July 2001 06:41:12 UTC